Monday, September 7, 2009

Benefits of Exercise

In addition to being a bellydancer, I am a certified personal trainer and I wanted to share with you a list of some of the benefits that can be derived from a regular exercise routine.

Most people know that exercise is good for them and that there are many health benefits to regular physical activity.  But in this day and age of hectic schedules and technological convenience, most people don't think about what those benefits are, or how they can achieve a healthier active lifestyle themselves.

So, what are the benefits of exercise, you might ask?  Let's take a look at them and how you can improve your quality of life through increased activity and exercise.

Benefits of Exercise Include:
  • Reduced risk of major diseases such as:

    • chronic heart disease
    • chronic lung disease
    • high blood pressure/hypertension
    • diabetes
    • some cancers
    • clogged arteries/arteriosclerosis
    • obesity
    • mental health disorders
    • stroke
    • pre-mature death

  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels.
  • Helps reduce body fat/obesity.
  • Helps improve bone density, which prevents weak brittle bones that are prone to breaking (osteoporosis).
  • Improves cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory function.
  • Increases muscular strength/builds lean muscle mass - stronger muscles increase your metabolism, which burns more calories and fat.
  • Decreases stress and improves mood - relieves symptoms of depression.
  • Prevents and relieves back and joint pain.
  • Increases energy levels so that you can do more and feel better all day.
  • Increases natural life-span and improves mental awareness and quality of life for older individuals.
  • Increases physical intelligence, strength and coordination.
  • Increased coordination and strength make everyday tasks such as carrying groceries and housecleaning easier and less stressful on the body.
  • Improves mental clarity and alertness.
  • Improves posture, which helps increase self-confidence and feelings of well-being.

There are so many benefits of exercise, it's unbelievable that not everyone participates in some form of physical activity on a daily basis.  But it’s true.  More than 50% of adults do not get the recommended 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity 5-7 times per week as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), to maintain good health and prevent major health problems.

Do you know how to incorporate more physical activities and exercise into your busy schedule?  Read my next post "How to be more Active in your Everyday Life" to find out!