Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bellydance Homework

From time to time, I will leave homework here for my students. Feel free to use these combinations for your own practice. Remember, it's not just what you do in class that will make you a better dancer, it's what you do OUT of class that matters most!

Walking Half Time - Playing longa (3's) continually. The third beat of every set will be the downbeat.

When you are comfortable playing 3's, intersperse 7's in the 3's evenly spaced. 337 337 or 373 373.

For a challenge, play 3 4 3 4 - R L R RLRL R L R RLRL, while walking.

When you are comfortable, add Pelvic Locks Full Time Downbeat Back.

Don't forget to work these combinations backwards, and to each side.

More in class...